18th of January seminar: Stem Cells in Cancer and Aging

Next 18th of January, Manuel Collado , Researcher from the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS), will give the seminar "Stem Cells in Cancer and Aging".

This seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the IMDEA Food Institute at 12:30 h .

Admission is free and pre-registration is not required.

Come and join us!

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20th DEC Seminar. Dissecting NOTCH1-controlled transcriptional and metabolic oncogenic programs in T-ALL.

Next 20th of December, Daniel Herranz Benito , Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology of Rutgers Cancer Institute (NY), will give the seminar “Dissecting NOTCH1-controlled transcriptional and metabolic oncogenic programs in T-ALL.” This seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the IMDEA Food Institute at 11:00h. Admission is free and pre-registration is not required. Come and join us!


15th DEC Seminar. Dietary modulated microRNAs with a key role in CVD: miR-21 and the progression of the atherosclerotic plaque.

Next 15th of December, Dr. Lidia Daimiel Ruiz, Researcher in Nutritional Genomics and Epigenomics Group of IMDEA Food, will give the seminar “Dietary modulated microRNAs with a key role in CVD: miR-21 and the progression of the atherosclerotic plaque”. This seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the IMDEA Food Institute al 12:00h. Admission is free and pre-registration is not required. Come and join us!


Recibimos la visita de Carrefour, Calidad Pascual, Barilla y Danone en la presentación del “Programa Retos de innovación de alto impacto social UAM-Carrefour”

FUAM. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

“El pasado 7 de noviembre, representantes de Carrefour, Calidad Pascual, Barilla y Danone, se dieron cita en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, lugar en el que se presentó el Programa ‘Retos de innovación de alto impacto social UAM-Carrefour’ para la minimización del desperdicio alimentario y que contó con la presencia de Fernando Burgaz, Director General de la Industria Alimentaria del Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente.

Tras el evento, los asistentes visitaron dos importantes institutos de la Universidad. Primero, el Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación (CIAL) , acompañados por la directora, Tiziana Fornari , quien les hizo una breve presentación del instituto y les enseñó la Planta Piloto Novalindus .

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17th NOV Seminar. ICAM-1 mediates H-ferritin-induced inflammasome activation in hepatic stellate cells: Unravelling novel targets against chronic liver diseases.

Next 17th of November , Dr. Manuel Fernández-Rojo, Head of the Hepatic Regenerative Medicine Laboratory, will give the seminar “ICAM-1 mediates H-ferritin-induced inflammasome activation in hepatic stellate cells: Unravelling novel targets against chronic liver diseases”

This seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the IMDEA Food Institute al 12:00h.

Admission is free and pre-registration is not required.

Come and join us!


20th OCT Seminar. The HD-ENRICA program: an instrument to collect nutritional information in populations.

Next 20th of October , Pilar Guallar-Castillón , Senior Researcher of the Cardiovascular and Nutritional Epidemiology Group at IMDEA Food, will give the seminar "The HD-ENRICA program: an instrument to collect nutritional information in populations"

This seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the IMDEA Food Institute at 12:00 h.

Admission is free and pre-registration is not required.

Come and join us!


10 Oct: “Nutrition, Metabolism and Associated Pathologies”

Next 10 th of October, Pablo J. Fernandez-Marcos , from IMDEA Food, María Mittelbrunn for CBM Severo Ochoa, Eva Porlan from CBM Severo Ochoa and Alejo Efeyan from CNIO will give the seminar “ Nutrition, Metabolism and Associated Pathologies”

This seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the IMDEA Food Institute at 10:30h .

Admission is free and pre-registration is not required.

The agenda of the seminar will be:

10:30 - 10:50.- Pablo J. Fernandez-Marcos.

10:50 - 11:10.-...