IMDEA Seminar

20th DEC Seminar. Dissecting NOTCH1-controlled transcriptional and metabolic oncogenic programs in T-ALL.

Next 20th of December, Daniel Herranz Benito , Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology of Rutgers Cancer Institute (NY), will give the seminar “Dissecting NOTCH1-...

FUAM. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Recibimos la visita de Carrefour, Calidad Pascual, Barilla y Danone en la presentación del “Programa Retos de innovación de alto impacto social UAM-Carrefour”

“El pasado 7 de noviembre, representantes de Carrefour, Calidad Pascual, Barilla y Danone, se dieron cita en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, lugar en el que se presentó el...


17th NOV Seminar. ICAM-1 mediates H-ferritin-induced inflammasome activation in hepatic stellate cells: Unravelling novel targets against chronic liver diseases.

Next 17th of November , Dr. Manuel Fernández-Rojo, Head of the Hepatic Regenerative Medicine Laboratory, will give the seminar “ICAM-1 mediates H-ferritin-induced...

IMDEA Seminar

20th OCT Seminar. The HD-ENRICA program: an instrument to collect nutritional information in populations.

Next 20th of October , Pilar Guallar-Castillón , Senior Researcher of the Cardiovascular and Nutritional Epidemiology Group at IMDEA Food, will give the seminar...

IMDEA Seminar

10 Oct: “Nutrition, Metabolism and Associated Pathologies”

Next 10 th of October, Pablo J. Fernandez-Marcos , from IMDEA Food, María Mittelbrunn for CBM Severo Ochoa, Eva Porlan from...

IMDEA Seminar

4 Oct seminar: "Integrative genomics identifies positionally-conserved lncRNAs necessary for the specification of pancreatic lineages in development and disease"

Next 4th of October, Luis Arnés Pérez , from the Department of Systems Biology at Columbia University , will give the seminar “ "Integrative...


Do you know Nutrigenomics? We will tell you during the European Researcher´s Night

¿Conoces la Nutrigenómica? Te lo contaremos durante la Noche Europea de los Investigadores. El próximo 29 de septiembre, con motivo de la 8ª edición de la Noche Europea de los...

IMDEA Seminar

19 Sept seminar:Comparative study between dietary habits and nutritional problems in children with allergy and/or asthma and healthy children.

Next 19th of September, Elena Aguilar , from the Platform for Clinical Trials in Nutrition and Health (GENYAL) at IMDEA Food Institute , will...